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In DB we recognize the importance of social values and we believe it is essential to contribute to the well being of our internal resources and that of the external environment.

The solidarity of mankind is not just a beautiful and noble sign, but a pressing necessity, a ‘to be or not to be’, a matter of life or death.

Immanuel Kant

Basket Mestre 1958

DB is official sponsor of Basket Mestre 1958, a winning team of young boys who are reaching great goals with strenght and determination. The love and determination that these guys show are the same ones that we put into our work every day.

Sport, in addition to being important for the healthy and harmonious development of the body, is fundamental because it promotes cognitive, emotional and social growth. In this period of life, so full of physical and non-physical changes, practicing sports makes you more aware of the new body identity.


Sports activity helps adolescents to channel aggressive instincts in a socially accepted way, to be responsible, to take initiatives, to socialize and to cooperate. It also teaches you to think and be proactive.

Furthermore, by learning the importance of commitment, respect for rules and tolerance, young people measure themselves with their own abilities and with others.

Basket Mestre 1958 is one of the most historic basketball clubs in the province of Venice and has over 200 members. The first team plays in the B-GOLD series championship.


The UNI EN ISO 14001 standard defines the requirements of an “Environmental Management System” that can be implemented in any type of organization.

The achievement of ISO 14001 environmental certification also contributes to significantly reduce the responsibility of the company towards environmental legislation, allowing to certify the proactive commitment made by the organization aimed at promoting practices aimed at achieving virtuous objectives in terms of environmental performance.

The possession of the certification of an Environmental Management System is recognized, in the public sphere, as an element of qualification for the issue of authorizations, acknowledgments and notifications and for obtaining tax concessions; it is also, more and more frequently, a pre-requisite for participation in tenders and public procurement procedures. DB is certified ISO 14001


There are many reasons why recycling is essential. Not only can it help reduce your carbon footprint, but it also helps reduce the need for harvesting raw materials, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gases, prevents pollution, and more. By improving our recycling habits, we can help keep the environment clean and preserve our natural resources.

For this reason, in all DB offices, logistics and production sites there are special bins for separate collection and all DB employees undertake to dispose of waste properly and to purchase recycled consumables whenever there is choice when ordering.

Feel free to contact us for any type of assistance you need