+39 [email protected]



Below you’ll find answers to questions we are asked most about products, services and more. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, contact us as we would be glad to help you.

How can I ask for a price quotation?

To request a quotation, fill out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

How can I ask for technical support?

To request technical support, fill out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

How can I ask for general information?

If you need general information, fill out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

How can I receive a copy of the user manual of a product I have purchased?

To receive a copy of the user manual of any DB product, fill out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

Do you deliver to my country?

We deliver our products all over the world and if you need detailed shipment information and costs please submit your request by filling out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

Where can I order DB products in my country?

Go to the DEALERS page and select your country from the list to see all the authorized distributors of that area. If no distributor is listed, you can submit an order directly to us by filling out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page. Otherwise use our LIVE CHAT at the bottom of the page.

Can I become a DB distributor in my country?

To apply as authorized DB distributor fill out the APPLICATION FORM in the WORK WITH US section.

Do you provide training courses for your products?

Yes, we can organize online and on-site training courses made by our highly qualified personnel, for a person or a group of people. Please refer to our SERVICE page to discover all the training we offer and fill out the REQUEST FORM in the CONTACTS page to submit your request.

How is my personal data processed?

If you want to have information on the processing of your personal data, you can read our PRIVACY POLICY

Can you supply a complete Radio/TV Studio?

Yes, we can deliver complete and avant-garde turnkey radio and TV studios to customers. The service includes the study and design of spaces and systems, the supply of all the necessary equipment and technical training.

Do you carry out the design of antenna systems?

Yes, the antenna system design process is made possible by dedicated software that combines territorial analysis and computerized calculations.

Do you carry out territorial analysis?

Yes, we can do it by using a dedicated software with computerized calculations.

Do you install the equipment, or do I have to provide myself?

Yes, upon request we can install the equipment all over the world. Otherwise, we can offer training on how to install it.

How long is the warranty on your products?

Our basic warranty is one year but can be extended upon request at the time of purchase.

Feel free to contact us for any type of assistance you need